
Current Status

TaskFolders is an alpha release under development, using it requires some technical know-how, specially around Javascript and Node.js. You’ll encounter bugs, features might be rough around the edges, but is capable of showing already some of the core values that make it unique.

You are welcome to try early already and encouraged to join the newsletter. After covering the main value propositions, the direction will be influenced by early adopters.

What to expect?


Surprisingly I am more concerned about the amount of work needed for the documentation than coding features. The app is considered a companion and guide for good practices. It is intended to push the user to rely on workflows that promote app independence. There is plenty of content to create ahead.

In itself, the website intends to provide plenty of value even if you never use the app. You will find plenty of content around process documentation, automation, task planing, journaling and knowledge management systems.


  • cli
  • sdk
  • api
  • web apps
  • editor and browser extensions

Initially I will focus on the cli, sdk and api. There is no one size fits all app, but it should be easy to create your own features. This is by no means to always rely on plug-ins. I do believe in a careful selection of jobs to be done and frown on the anarchy of plugin ecosystems.

Some core features are intended to provide value in a CI pipeline or in a remote server. Expect always that side to be considered.

The UI will be web based. Count on two: one online to ease capturing information and support the browser extensions. The other will run locally to sugar coat some workflows. However content creation will always be handed down to the favorite tools of the user.

Version 0.1

Mostly done and tested internally. Expect releases around these very soon.

  • Basic draft of a SDK for developers to build tools
  • Encryption related features around GPG
  • Web app, api and browser extensions to capture information
  • Start the basics of distributed inbox workflows

Version 0.2

  • Time tracking for each folder
  • Document process handling and automation
  • Template / Checklist workflows
  • Promote core library components

Version 0.x

  • Explore more user friendly flows
  • Easier entry for non developers
  • DevOps pipelines


During the alpha stage I will be developing under Linux and occasionally in Mac OS X. Windows support will not be a priority in the short term, but I have experience packing apps for it, so I will dedicate time to it in the future. In the meantime it should work without under WSL

You should definitely expect a future desktop release (Electron app) for all three platforms. For now do not expect anything glamorous on mobile, but there will be a responsive PWA to support the online workflows.