

With npm one can just type npm run and get the available DevOps tasks. That was lost when everything spread around multiple locations. So, I just wanted to list those tasks…


What about my npm run code that no longer works in monorepos? Well, it is easy to chain back those files


Later that day, I was in tight deadline for another project, but… I was annoyed typing the full path. How hard could it be implementing partial name match?


Wait! What about those multiple build tasks? How card could it be getting an interactive prompt to select them?


And lets not forget those long running tasks, like the test watcher or webpack server. When I have multiple background jobs, it easy to forget which tab has the running service I wanted.


And this is the story of how tk was born. A whole set of itches desired DX features I longed for. You can start playing with it and leave some feedback by running:

npm install -g @taskfolders/tk