  - title: domain expires
    date: 2024-03-14
before: 1y
after: 2w

Calendar events

Notes can define calendar events. At a minimum you need to give a title and date

  - title: domain expires
    date: 2024-03-14

Optionally you can define alerts and the repetition.

  - title: domain expires
    date: 2024-03-14
    repeat: 1y
    alert: 4d

Task events

Defining a calendar event does not strictly mean that the note itself is a task to be done. For that there are the reserved fields after and before which promote the whole file to a task status.

after: 2024-01-20
before: 2024-02-11

Both are full dates, but you can count on the scanner fixing relative dates for you.

after: 2w
before: 3m

Task status means the file will show up when exploring the tasks under the current folder. Task notes these time markers, a review field or are tagged with a todo mark. Non started tasks will be hidden by default.

tfc todo

But there is more to just dates, you can actually use an id to reference other tasks, creating a dependency on the completion status of those notes.

after: mvp-release
before: berlin-conf-dd